

Infused Water Inspirations October 22

Infused Water InspirationsWe just returned from a ten day carb fest vacation. We tried every possible Dutch fry, Icelandic hotdog and somehow, not sure why, a LOT of pizza and fried foods. It was fun #noregrets. Haha!

With that said, we ate so much indulgent food that I was actually CRAVING kale when we got home. (Not exactly my normal Jeni’s Ice Cream craving, you guys!!)

So Jeremy and I have been kickstarting a bunch of healthy routines this week. It feels amazing. We tried Avo for dinner, and we were both inspired by how tasty a raw, vegan, gluten-free meal can be. I think I need some dramatic music, actually, because I’m feeling REALLY inspired.

Anyway! Water.

Water isn’t coffee. It’s certainly not a latte. Water isn’t soda. Water isn’t juice or smoothies or cocktails or all the other delicious things that I love.

To be blunt—water is no fun.

But we all know we need to drink more, right? (raising my hand) So this week I am making batches of infused waters to keep in our fridge. And so far, it’s really helping me reach for the water!

Infused Water Inspirations Here are a few combinations you may not have tried before! Orange and star anise (you only need one star to flavor the whole bottle), basil and kiwi and apple and cinnamon.

If you think these sound gross, cool, but I am NOT LISTENING to your feedback until you at least try it. 😀

No really, just try it!

Infused Water Inspirations  My favorite is the orange and star anise flavor. There is a hint of citrus and spice. It’s real nice.

There are endless combinations you can try. I also love lime and mint and strawberry and basil/mint. If you’ve never tried infused water, don’t expect it to be super flavorful like lemonade. Expect it to be lightly flavored water. Keep this in your fridge at all times and you’re straight up fancy!

Oh—and if you have a winning flavor combination that you go back to again and again, please leave me a comment. I will try anything! xx.

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